Save yourself hours of tedious content writing
"Watch LIVE How A New Generation WordPress Plugin Creates 3,945 Unique, Keyword-Rich Optimized Posts In 6 minutes and 19 seconds"
Ideal for Affiliate, CPA and Offline Marketers
From the desk of: Mikel Perez & Inaki Ramirez
Date: 2014/12/17
Fellow Internet Marketer
Have you ever spent weeks building a “quality” site and trying to make it rank to no avail?
This is a reality many marketers face and, after struggling for months, many think this “IM thing” doesn’t work, and quit.
The truth is, it’s not their fault.
Many courses and methods have made us believe we can create a small, ultra-targeted site, create a few backlinks, and sit back while your bank account grows.
It sounds good. And maybe it worked... in 2009.
The problem is, it doesn’t anymore.
The apocalypse has come early for Thin Sites
The problem is that Google thinks of these as “thin sites”, and values them very poorly. So they bury them in their search results.
And they will continue to do so, even more aggressively in the future.
Thus, I know what marketers who were making a good income out of this type of sites experience every time a new algorithm update is announced:
Instability. Revenues that vanish overnight. Fear of the future.
So, is it worth investing hundreds of hours of your time and hundreds or even thousands of dollars trying to build such a site only to never have it rank, and see all that effort and cash flushed down the toilet?
There has to be an easier way
In fact, there is.
Why spend months doing manually what a smart plugin that can automatically do for you in a snap?
You have likely heard of several automated content posting solutions.
They use different techniques to populate your site with thousands of posts, so that you don’t have to sweat blood facing a blank post editor day after day.
Unfortunately, all existing plugins have their drawbacks, that can jeopardize your results in the long term:

Content scrapers get chunks of text from article directories, e-commerce sites like Amazon or information sites like Wikipedia, etc.
However, if you post the same content as these authority sites in your blog, which one do you think Google will show higher in the search results, yours or Amazon’s?
I rest my case

You could include your site in a blog network, allowing other people to publish content in your site in exchange for a backlink to theirs.
But Google engineers are not deaf and have also heard of these networks, and they are hitting them left and right. So you risk your site being deindexed altogether.

Or you could purchase a set of PLR articles, and publish them on your blog.
The problem is that you won’t be the one doing that, and the same article will be posted “as is” in tens of websites. Google will rank only the one in the site with the highest authority, which may not be yours… if they don’t go and apply a duplicate content penalty and sink your site to page 90.
So, am I saying there’s no way to automate content posting and succeed?
Quite the contrary.
Here’s some proof that a well crafted auto-blog can and does work
Even though our main business focus is on product creation, we do build affiliate sites, and have been doing it for more than two years.
And yes, some of them have been created automatically with a technology like the one you’re about to discover.
Here are some traffic stats from one of these sites, that was created in less than 4 hours (sorry about it being in Spanish, but you likely know the main analytics dashboard and what each metric means):

Not every site receives an average of 100 daily visits...
Has this translated into revenues?
Well, we created this site to promote a Clickbank offer, and it has made $1,447.8 so far:

Not a bad payday for a site I built in one morning and have barely touched it since I did, huh?.
After so many years of experience, and having made thousands of dollars online -and many mistakes too, I must admit-, seeing so many marketers quit without ever making a dime online saddens me.
It saddens me deeply.
So I wanted to give you something that can help you obtain results like the ones shown above.
Now, the question for me was…
Could I offer you a new concept in auto-blogging plugins that yields these results without the drawbacks of other existing solutions?
So I rolled up my sleeves and started planning a new solution that added a new twist to the idea of auto-blogging that didn’t rely on re-using content that’s already published elsewhere, while at the same time allow you to create thousands of posts that target easy to rank for keywords.
That’s when it hit me.
I had to be able to create a plugin that uses unique article templates no one has published anywhere, and combines them with the keywords I wanted to target
A plugin that did this had to be fast, it had to be able to create content that Google doesn’t see as duplicate, and it had to be versatile so that it could be use for different types of business models.
So that’s what we developed and have been testing and tweaking for the past months.
And we call it...
No Sweat Mass Page Creator

Let me explain the power of this plugin, and how you can use it to create unique content in a way no other plugin does.
Because now, building your own massive site is as easy as 1 - 2- 3:

You create a general template for your posts. It’s a well spun article, that will be the “scaffolding” of your posts.
If you don’t know what a “spun article" is, don’t worry, as we explain it in the user guide, we tell you where you can outsource it for as little as 3$, and we have included a bonus cheat sheet so that you can create or edit it even if you had never heard of it until now.

You compile one or two lists of the keywords you want to target and tell the plugin where to embed them in the template.
You can even combine the lists for more effectiveness, as we explain in detail in the user guide. And we include several “done-for-you” sets of useful keywords as a free bonus!

You hit publish.
That's it! All the posts will be added to your site in less time you ever thought possible.
Now you can rinse and repeat with new templates and new keywords.
Want to see a demo of the plugin in action?
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures.
So, I’d like you to watch this short video where you can see me create 3,945 unique, keyword-targeted posts in 6' and 19'':
Who can benefit from this plugin?
Ever since we conceived this plugin, we wanted it to be as versatile and useful for many marketers as possible.
We also wanted to make it extremely easy to use, so that you don't need any expertise, special skills or knowledge to benefit from it.
Here are some ideas on how you, no matter the type of Internet Marketing business model you use, can profit from No Sweat Mass Page Creator.
1 - Affiliate marketers
Write about physical products, about any "how-to" question for which there is an info product you can promote, or about any needs in your market that can be solved if the user buys a product through your link.
Amazon, Clickbank, Commission Junction, JVZoo… The possibilities are endless.
2 - Offline marketers
The number of people who search online for a good restaurant, an emergency locksmith or a pest removal service in their area is staggering.
Why not capitalize on that traffic, which is very long-tail keyword oriented, and monetize it with contextual advertising like Adsense, or even renting advertising space in each specific page to a particular business once you’re getting some traffic?
3 - CPA marketers
There are hundreds of offers that pay you just for sending them a prospect who fills in a form with his e-mail, phone number or ZIP code.
You can easily promote CPA offers in the dating, credit and financial or health & supplements niches by creating ultra-targeted pages with No Sweat Mass Page Creator.
By now your brain may be already on fire thinking of ideas on how you can use the plugin to launch your next maketing campaign and make your first money online, or create additional income sources.
But that's not all...
We want you to make the most of this plugin, so we if you claim your copy today you will get access to the following bonuses:
Bonus 1 - The spintax cheat sheet (a real value of 17$)
In case you are not familiar with spintax, what it is, how to create or edit a spun article, we include a two-page cheat sheet you can have by your side as a reference guide. Here you will learn:
- The basics of spintax: what it is, and the basic building blocks.
- The syntactic elements that are used to write spun content, so that you can write it yourself or understand the results of an article that has been spun for you.
- Why spintax is so powerful and how the outputs are generated.
- How to avoid the most typical spintax mistakes that can make your article read unnatural so that you can be sure that the end result is going to be top-quality.
Bonus 2 - A sample of our geographical lists (a real value of 13$)
We want you to start using the plugin right away, in the easiest way possible for you, so we include a set of done-for-you lists that you can use when creating your articles:
- A list of the 50 US states.
- A list of the 100 largest cities in the world.
- A list of the 500 largest US cities.
Bonus 3 - A sample of other varied lists (a real value of 17$)
You can also start using them right away, or use them as a reference or a source of ideas for your websites:
- A list of 139 domesticated animals (some are pets, some are not exactly "pets").
- A list of 963 professions or occupations.
- A list of 56 sports.
Seeing all the value included in this package you may be wondering how much this is going to cost you.
Before revealing the price, let's see how much other vendors charge for other autoblogging solutions, that are not even as powerful as this one:

We could have charged as much as any of these licenses.
But don't worry, you're not going to pay $597 (gasp!), nor $329.
Not even $197.
Not even $97!!
If you act now, during our special launch period, you will get:
- The No Sweat Mass Page Creator Plugin (a value of 127$)
- Lifetime, unlimited support and upgrades (a value of at least 47$ / year)
- The spintax cheat sheet (a value of 17$)
- The set of sample "done-for-you" geographical lists (a value of 13$)
- The set of sample varied "done-for-you" lists (a value of 17$)
That's a total value of 221$, without taking into account any yearly fees for upgrades and support.
But if you act now, your investment will be the tiny sum of...
37$ for the multisite license, and 57$ for the developers' license!!
But we won't be able to keep these prices so low for a long time.
We are offering them for a limited time as our way to reward fast action takers, and those marketers who can spot an opportunity when they see it.
In fact...
The prices are going up with each sale
So, the time to act is now.
Click on the buy buttons below to secure your copy of No Sweat Mass Page Creator before the price increases, and start building your biche autoblog empire today!
Multisite License
Use on as many of your own domains as you wish.
Developers License
Use on as many of your own domains as you wish, can flip sites with the plugin installed, can install it on client sites.
Just imagine how much value it could add to your sale if you were to flip a site with this plugin installed, giving the new owner the rights and ability to continue using it as part of his purchase.
If selling a site with this plugin increases the value in just 21$, you've already made a profit with a single sale! (not counting the value the massive, keyword-optimized site you would have created could have).

30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
If within 30 days of purchase you experience any technical issue or problem with your purchase you simply lodge a support ticket and grand us 72 hours to remedy the problem.
If we cannot deliver back to you (within that timeframe) a 100% working copy and resolve your issue, we will refund all your money back (with no questions!)

P.S. Remember, here’s what you’ll get if you invest in No Sweat Mass Page Creator today: The WordPress plugin at a special launch discount price, the detailed user guide, the spintax cheat sheet, the rolodex of must-have plugins for massive sites, and 5 already built-for-you sets of lists that you can start using right away.
P.P.S. Please, don't procrastinate. We don’t like messing with “fake scarcity”. We are rising the prices for good when the counter reaches 0, so claim your copy as soon as you can to be sure you’re getting the best price you'll ever find this plugin being offered for.