Evergreen product
Over 250+ Sales with a 2.08$ *real* EPC paid to affiliates, a 9.55% conversion in the F/E and a 42.73% conversion on the first OTO
Step 1
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Step 2
Sign up as an affiliate in JVZoo

No Sweat WP Internal Links offers any blogger the ability to easily and efficiently create relevant silos in his site
- This gives users total control over their internal links, and how link-juice is spread throughout their sites, while avoiding penalties.
- It's a huge time-saver, as they don't have to edit any post / page manually, or remember what post links to which one all the structures, links and anchor texts are edited through a central console.
- Of course, this leads to better rankings, as the user is giving search engines what they want (structured content), and faster indexing of new articles.
- And it also keeps visitors longer times on the site, offering them a better experience and the user more chances to monetize his site, as visitors will see more of the ads, banners, or affiliate links.
- Which, in turn, also reduces bounce rates and also increases SEO rankings, as visitors continue interacting with the site.
Watch our Demo Video to see it in action:
As a picture is worth a thousand words, here is the funnel including all the commissions and price increases:

What else is in the funnel? And even more important... what are the comissions?
There will be a lot of prizes to pick up. And we will have also some small daily & weekend contest being announced during the launch week itself, so be sure to sign up to our JV list!

Launch-end contest (Apr 22-24th)
As a special thanks for your support, we will grant the following prizes (min 5 F/E sales):
- Most F/E Sales in the final three days - $50
- Second most F/E Sales in the final three days - $30
- Third most F/E Sales in the final three days - $20

Weekend speed contest (Apr 17-19th)
Speed is key to success, so we will grant the following prizes:
- 1st to 25 f/e Sales - $50 --> No Winner
- 1st to 10 f/e Sales - $30 --> No Winner
- 1st to 5 f/e Sales - $20 --> Won by Colleen Slater

1st Day "random seller" contest
A 50$ prize will be raffled and assigned at random among the affiliates who make 1 or more sales in the first day. Even small affiliates can win! --> Won by Ken Reno

1st Day speed contest
- 1st to 25 f/e Sales - $50 --> No winner
- 1st to 10 f/e Sales - $30 --> Won by Collen Slater
- 1st to 5 f/e Sales - $20 --> Won by Collen Slater
General contest
The best selling affiliates will be granted the following prizes:

1st position
(minimum 100 F/E sales):

2nd position
(minimum 75 F/E sales):

3rd position
(minimum 50 F/E sales):

4th position
(no minimum sales):

5th position
(no minimum sales):
1. The General Contest period is 10 days, starting at the launch day on o4/14. Speed and "random affiliate" Contests Period is only for the first day
2. Places are based on F/E sales as reported by JVZoo.
3. Refunded sales do not count.
4. "Spam" and "scam" promotion not allowed (basically, nothing that could damage our brand). Not only won't you be taken into account for the contest, your affiliate account may be suspended.
5. Cash incentives or rebates are not allowed. Other than that, you can (and we encourage you to) offer as many bonuses as you think will help your conversions.
E-mail swipes
Subject lines:
Are you neglecting the most important SEO factor?
You're wasting your time and money in your backlinking campaigns if you don't do this!
The U.R.T.I. cycle... what???
E-mail body:
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
We all devote lots of time and money creating backlinks to our site, don't we?
What if I told you that if we only do this we are all wasting most of the power we could be gaining thanks to those backlinks?
Because there's a crucial factor to SEO, I'd dare to say that even more important that backlinks, we often forget about and neglect.
And this completely stops us from enjoying the benefits of the powerful R.U.T.I. cycle that my friends Mikel Perez and Inaki Ramirez have identified in the most successful sites on the Internet.
Do you want to know what this factor and what the R.U.T.I. cycle are?
Well, you'll have to wait until my next e-mail to know.
So, stay tuned and look for a new e-mail from me where I will explain everything.
Subject lines:
Are you neglecting the most important SEO factor? (if you haven't used it in the prelaunch mailing)
You're wasting your time and money in your backlinking campaigns if you don't do this! (if you haven't used it in the prelaunch mailing)
The U.R.T.I. cycle... what??? (if you haven't used it in the prelaunch mailing)
New SEO plugin brings your site to the top of Google without any extra work
Want to improve your rankings fast and easily? Then check this out!
Read this only if you want to improve your rankings
E-mail body: (Change the beginning of the first paragraph if you haven't sent the prelaunch mailing)
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
As I told you earlier, there's a very important factor many of us don't value as much as we should when trying to rank our sites.
We spend countless hours and money on backlinking.
Yet we forget about this, and we can be wasting most of the value we could be getting from those backlinks.
==> See how you can correct this ASAP here (AFF_LINK)
There's a key to getting top rankings that relies exclusively on on-site factors.
And it's very easy to get it right if you know what it is, and how to do it!
My friends Mikel Perez & Inaki Ramirez have released a new WordPress plugin that helps you optimize this important element in a snap.
This is the plugin that will help you set what they've called The R.U.T.I. Cycle in motion.
I can only reveal that the "R" stands for "Rankings".
==> See what the whole cycle is and their plugin in action here (AFF_LINK)
And they are releasing it at a price so affordable it's hard to believe.
But the launch price won't stay so low for long.
In fact, they're raising it two hours after launch, and they will be raising it again tomorrow.
==> Grab your copy at the incredible launch price here
To your success
Subject lines:
You might be getting much more traffic if you did this
The R.U.T.I. cycle... what??? (if you haven't used it in the prelaunch mailing)
New SEO plugin brings in more traffic without any extra work
Want to get more free traffic fast and easily? Then check this out!
Read this only if you want to get more traffic
E-mail body: (Change the beginning of the first paragraph if you haven't sent the prelaunch mailing)
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
As I told you earlier, there's a very important factor many of us don't take into account when trying to bring in more traffic to our sites.
We spend countless hours and money on backlinks, social campaigns, guest blogging...
Yet we could be getting 5x as much traffic if we just did this on our sites.
==> See how you can put it into action ASAP here (AFF_LINK)
There's a key to getting more traffic that relies exclusively on on-site factors.
And it's very easy to get it right if you know what it is, and how to do it!
My friends Mikel Perez & Inaki Ramirez have released a new WordPress plugin that helps you optimize this important element in a snap.
This is the plugin that will help you set what they've called The R.U.T.I. Cycle in motion.
I can just reveal that the "T" stands for "Traffic".
==> See what the whole cycle is and their plugin in action here (AFF_LINK)
And they are releasing it at a price so affordable it's hard to believe.
But the launch price won't stay so low for long.
In fact, they're raising it two hours after launch, and they will be raising again tomorrow.
==> Grab your copy at the incredible launch price here
To your success
Subject lines:
You might be getting a much higher income if you did this
The R.U.T.I. cycle... what??? (if you haven't used it in the prelaunch mailing)
New internal linking plugin brings in more revenue without any extra work
Want to get more revenue from your sites quickly and easily? Then check this out!
Read this only if you want to get more revenue from your sites
E-mail body: (Change the beginning of the first paragraph if you haven't sent the prelaunch mailing)
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
As I told you earlier, there's a very important factor many of us don't take into account when trying to monetize our sites.
We spend countless hours and money on backlinks, social campaigns, paid traffic...
Yet we could be generating 5x as much revenue if we just did this on our sites.
==> See how you can put this into action ASAP here (AFF_LINK)
There's a key to making more money out of the content you already have that relies exclusively on a particular on-site factor.
And it's very easy to get it right if you know what it is, and how to do it!
My friends Mikel Perez & Inaki Ramirez have released a new WordPress plugin that helps you optimize this important element in a snap.
This is the plugin that will help you set what they've called The R.U.T.I. Cycle in motion.
I can just reveal that the "I" stands for "Income".
==> See what the whole cycle is and their plugin in action here (AFF_LINK)
And they are releasing it at a price so affordable it's hard to believe.
But the launch price won't stay so low for long.
In fact, they're raising it two hours after launch, and they will be raising again tomorrow.
==> Grab your copy at the incredible launch price here
To your success
Subject lines:
The price is going up again in a few hours!
Get this plugin before the price raises again!
They are serious about raising the price
E-mail body:
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
Yesterday, my frieds Mikel Perez and Inaki Ramirez released version 3 of their flagship SEO plugin, "No Sweat WP Internal Links".
And it's selling like hotcakes.
==> Click here to see what all the fuzz is about (AFF_LINK)
They promised they were doing a special launch offer, though they would be raising the prices soon, and they stayed true to their word!
(It's refreshing to see someone that doesn't play tricks on us with fake marketing gimmicks).
So, I have good and bad news:
- The good news is that, even now, you can still get their excellent plugin at an incredibly low price.
- The bad news is they have told me they will be raising the price again today.
And I know they mean it.
==> Grab your copy here before they raise the price again (AFF_LINK)
To your success
Subject lines:
The price is going up again in a few hours!
Get this plugin before the price raises again!
They are serious about raising the price
E-mail body:
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
Yesterday, my frieds Mikel Perez and Inaki Ramirez released version 3 of their flagship SEO plugin, "No Sweat WP Internal Links".
And it's selling like hotcakes.
==> Click here to see what all the fuzz is about (AFF_LINK)
They promised they were doing a special launch offer, though they would be raising the prices soon, and they stayed true to their word!
(It's refreshing to see someone that doesn't play tricks on us with fake marketing gimmicks).
So, I have good and bad news:
- The good news is that, even now, you can still get their excellent plugin at an incredibly low price.
- The bad news is they have told me they will be raising the price again today.
And I know they mean it.
==> Grab your copy here before they raise the price again (AFF_LINK)
To your success
Subject lines:
An SEO plugin that your visitors love?
SEO and monetization in a single plugin?
An SEO plugin that makes your visitors like you?
E-mail body:
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
We all know the main benefits of SEO plugins, right?
Getting better rankings and thus more traffic.
But this is usually "transparent" for our visitors.
They don't know (and don't care) if we're using SEO plugins or not.
==> Until now! (AFF_LINK)
Last week, my frieds Mikel Perez and Inaki Ramirez released version 3 of their flagship SEO plugin, "No Sweat WP Internal Links".
Not only is it an excellent on-site SEO plugin. But it also presents more highly relevant content to your visitors.
And they'll love you for it!
How awesome would it be for them if, as they're reading an article, you recommended them other posts that are very relevant to what they were reading?
They will reward you with their attention, and their clicks.
==> You will be able to achieve that thanks to this plugin (AFF_LINK)
But they've told me they can't keep selling it at such a low price for long, and I know they mean it.
The prices will be raising to the regular retail values in less than 3 days, so you can save between 30 and 40% by being a fast action taker:
==> Grab your copy here before they raise the price (AFF_LINK)
To your success
Subject lines:
In about 12 hours, this will be 40% to 50% more expensive
Less than 12 hours till they raise the price by 50%
This offer will be gone in less than 12 hours
The clock is ticking...
E-mail body:
Hi, {!firstname_fix}
Last week, my friends Mikel Perez and Inaki Ramirez released the new version of their flagship plugin, No Sweat WP Internal Links, a one of a kind SEO plugin.
And they released it at a highly discounted price, 40% or 50% off the regular retail price.
==> You can check it here (AFF_LINK)
I can vouch for them and their plugin.
If you need higher and faster rankings, and keeping users longer on your site, reading more articles and thus clicking on more ads, affiliate links or opting in to your list, you definitely will love this!
But of course, they couldn't keep the prices so low for a long time, so they're raising them by 40 to 50% in less than 12 hours.
==> Get WP Internal Links before the price goes up! (AFF_LINK)
To your success
P.S. If you buy now, you are entitled to every upgrade they release for life, so you won't have to pay a single dime to have any new versions they release.
==> Grab your copy now and save, before the price bump (AFF_LINK)
Click Here to download your banners
Do We Reciprocate?
Of course! We have already made our place into several leaderboards, and we help those that support us!

Affiliates and supporters
This is the list of people who have helped or suppported in some way in our previous launches

Alex Jeffreys

Dirk Wagner

Jimmy Mancini

Saul Maranay

James Knight

Chris Hitman

Reed Floren

IM Wealth Builders

Ian del Carmen