WordPress content plugins help you populate your site.
There are three types of important content that you may need to have added to your blog:
- What we could call "meta-information" about your site. Pages like about us, the contact form, sitemaps, etc.
- Legal pages that allow you to comply with different policies. A Privacy policy and Terms of Use are basic, but they are not the only ones you may need to add.
- And, of course, the specific content related to the topic your blog is about, the true meat of your site.
Here are some plugins that can help you do that:
Our WordPress Content Plugins

No Sweat Mass Page Creator
Finally the new generation in autoblogging is coming, “No Sweat Mass Page Creator” allows the user to generate thousands of unique pages or posts in a matter of minutes just based on two elements: a well spun articles, and one or two lists of keywords he wants to target.
Look how No Sweat Mass Page Creator can help you!
- Create a Site with thousands of articles in minutes:Create a site with thousands of unique articles in matter of minutes following our 3 simple steps.
- Avoid Scraped sites and content: Google detects (and hates!) scraped content. Create your OWN original content easily and stay under the radar... while using the power of an autoblog.
- Combine a list of keywords with a template to generate targeted posts:Using the power of keyword lists and spintax, each article can be conceived to target different (one or more) long-tail keywords.
- Rinse and Repeat: You can generate as many sites as you want. You only have to think in the keywords you want to target, write or outsource a template, generate a list of elements and launch the project!
Click here to know more!

No Sweat Writer´s Block Eliminator
Sometimes, writing a post, saleslettter or a squeze page, we know the idea, but the right word doesn’t spring to our minds. A particularly insidious example of writer’s block.
Look how No Sweat Writer´s Block Eliminator can help you!
- Save you countless hours searching Google and thesaurus tools, as the expressions you are looking for will be presented to you in seconds, just beside your WordPress editor.
- Help you find “power words” so that you can tap into your readers’ emotions and compel them to act.
- Prevent unintended repetition of words, that can make your content read boring and unprofessional.
- Assist you in the rewriting of PLR articles, Amazon descriptions or any other scraped content by presening synonyms of the terms used in the original text.
Click here to know more!

No Sweat About Me
The About Me or About Us page is one of the most visited pages in a website... and often one of the most overlooked.
With No Sweat About Me you can create a living about page:
- It automatically grabs your personal information from your WordPress profile and adds it to the About Me page.
- It dynamically adjusts its contents based on categories and tags as your site grows and you ad and classify your content.
- All easily done based on a shortcode you can enter in your About Me page and a pre-defined template.
- And more...
Besides, it's FREE!
Click here to download it

Other WordPress Content Plugins

WP Robot
The king of all auto-blogging plugins, that offers endless possibilities for creating automated content.
These are some of the most important features it offers:
- Autoblogging for any topic or niche. WP Robot will find relevant content for you, and post it on your blog.
- Its templating system allows you to design your site just as you want it to be. Don't feel trapped by a forced layout ever again.
- Many monetization options, so that you can make money as an affiliate for Amazon, CJ, ClickBank, Ebay, and more.
- Its intelligent algorithm guarantees that it won't ever post duplicate content in your site. And it's completely legal and compliant with vendors' ToS, as it uses their approved APIS instead of scraping them illegally as other autobloggers do.
That's not all, but the features are so numerous we think you'd rather see them for yourself.
Just click here to visit their website.